"For any game of chance such as Roulette, there is not one strategy that can ensure 100% of winning probability. But if you play smartly using the strategies that work, you will be able to make good consistent money from the online casinos".

rules of gambling

   I, the founding member of etomino roulette group, have been playing online roulette for more than a decade and it's become my hobby, my passion, my life. I have had my ups and downs trying to figure this beautiful game of roulette out. Let me tell you it's been fun but also a lot of struggles. 

From my personal experience I can tell that worst phase of my playing journey was in the beginning when I "knew" I can beat the roulette. No! Nobody can beat the roulette! If anyone could, there would be NO roulette as a game.

Throughout my learning path I was slowly starting to understand, that if I want to be successful player I must go with the roulette and NOT against it. If I were to be successful I had to start being disciplined and master a self control.

In this process I developed my RULES of GAMBLING which every roulette (and any other game involving gambling, betting and money) player should follow. I see a lot of players to struggle and lose tons of money just because they're not following these simple rules. So, allow me to share these rules with you and later to go into more details about each of them.

etomino rules of gambling:

  1. Play for fun, money will follow.
  2. Play only with the set bankroll.
  3. Play only with the money you can afford to lose.
  4. Do not start playing immediately.
  5. Do not get attached to a specific dealer.
  6. Stay with one system or strategy for the session.
  7. Use your instinct and trust your gut.
  8. Set your winning target.
  9. Set your loss target.
  10. Self-control.

Now let me give you little more detailed personalized insight into each rule.

  1. Play for fun, money will follow... I learned this the hard way. There were times when I needed money for my bills, for my phone bill, electric bill or rent. I desperately needed that money so I turned on my computer and started playing just for one reason and one reason only - make money so I can pay my bills! The truth is, it almost never worked out for me and playing under such a stress load I was forcing myself to do crazy out of control moves which ultimately led me to lose. If you want to play successfully you must play for fun without the stress of "I must win" and the success WILL follow.
  2. Play only with the set bankroll... establish amount of money you will be playing with for the day, for the session. You must never change this after you start playing. It is important step, which will teach you much needed self-control and will help you with other rules in general. Personally I had no problem with this in the beginning because I was not making lot of money and never had any excess in my bank account. But still if you set your bankroll you will become better player.
  3. Play only with the money you can afford to lose... very important because this is making lots of people lose everything. And by everything I mean everything, ALL of it. I've talked to several guys they become homeless because they played with all the money they had. One guy was making $ 1,200.00 per week and every Friday after he got his check he started playing with all of it! Let's say if you make one thousand per week, make your budget for necessary bills, food and other fun stuff and what you have left use as your set bankroll. It shouldn't be more than 10-20% of your regular earnings. Never think of gambling as of way of making living. Think of it as an extra money you can bring in on the side, nothing else. It is possible to make full time income by gambling, but that requires a lot of time, knowledge, discipline and dedication. Gambling can be very addictive! If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, visit... www.begambleaware.org
  4. Do not start playing immediately… big mistake I was making in the beginning was I'd log into online casino and start betting, putting chips on the table immediately. It is a wise decision to take a minute and observe the wheel and it's trends. All the online casinos have a time limit you can just watch the session and then they will kick you out so you must log back in. Yes, that is annoying, but understand casino wants you to play not to look. The simple way of gaining some time to get a feel is to put minimum (.5c, or a dollar) bet on one of the outside bets, let's say RED, every 3 spins and that will keep you on so you can observe the wheel.
  5. Do not to get attached to a specific dealer... there may be a beautiful girl or a handsome guy spinning the wheel but know it makes no difference in the outcome. Yes, it is more appealing to the eye and hard to ignore but simply waiting for the session when your favorite live dealer will be on is just not making any sense. The dealer will not bring you the luck, will not spin your favorite number, it is just another dealer so remember this, it'll save you time and money.
  6. Stay with one system or strategy for the session... one system/strategy you decide to use for the session must be in place for the whole duration of the play. If you start deviate from it trying to skip from one strategy to another in short period of time it'll make you lose not only your money but also your sanity. Most importantly it'll not give your system or strategy enough time needed to work. Of course sessions should be short and swift, not dragging for hours.
  7. Use your instinct and trust your gut... we all have sometimes that feeling in our gut that something is not right. Yes, trust that feeling, obey that feeling. There have been many sessions when I just felt that no matter what I bet no matter what I do I lose. Don't ignore it, listen to it, and react to it. If it's a good, positive feeling keep playing, if it's a bad, nasty feeling just STOP playing for the day and come back next time. Trust me the roulette wheel will be there tomorrow, it will not disappear.
  8. Set your winning target... when you're winning it's great, but winning at the roulette is not infinite. Set your winning mark, winning limit and stick to it. Let's say you set you target for $ 500 so once you reach five hundred dollars win do not change it in your mind to $ 550 and keep playing! Just do not do it! That is a huge mistake. You must be OK with that target. Once reached STOP playing, cash out, and walk away for the day otherwise you will lose. This was one of my repeating mistakes and I allowed myself to lose a lot of money in the beginning.
  9. Set your loss target... this is not very talked about rule. I have been able to master it very early and it will not only keep you in the game, but won't crush your confidence as a player. You start with $ 100 and you have your target set at $ 500. Everything goes well. You're winning and you're up to $ 380. All of a sudden the system goes south and you get on losing streak and all of a sudden you're down to $ 200. In that moment it is very important to have your "losing" limit set. If you'd have the losing target set on two hundred you stop now and at the end of the day you're still walking away with the profit and balance with money ready for the next day, next session.
  10. Self-control... this most important rule is basically in involved in each and every one of the rules above. It is basically a summary of the rules. You must learn how to control yourself, your behavior, your betting/playing habits and put in action. If you can't control yourself your roulette experience will suffer, you will lose your money and this beautiful game will lose another human being.

So, there it is, etomino's roulette rules. I hope you enjoyed it and most of all I hope you can take and learn something useful from it. I know I did, and that's the reason I wanted to share this with you. 

Good luck

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⚠️ IMPORTANT... Must be 18+ to gamble [www.begambleaware.org]

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